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Applying to Annunciation Catholic School


Annunciation Catholic School is currently accepting applications for grades PS3-8 for the 2024-2025 school year. For more information or to schedule a school visit, contact the school office at 252-447-3137.

Entrance Age: Children entering Preschool must be 3 years old on or before August 31 to be considered for admission in the current academic year. Children entering Prekindergarten must be 4 years old on or before August 31 to be considered for admission in the current academic year. Children entering Kindergarten are to be 5 years old on or before August 31 for enrollment in the current academic year.

Application: Complete the application form, answering all application items in detail and return to the school office with a $50.00 per child non-refundable application fee. Applications submitted without required copies will be considered incomplete and will be held until application is complete.


The goal of the student admission procedure is to ensure that there is a positive match between the school goals and services and the student/families' abilities and interests.  To increase the probability of a strong match, the school admittance procedure will consist of the following steps:

  1. No one shall receive final acceptance until the student records are received and reviewed.
  2. Students will take a tour of the school.  Upon completion of the tour, students will take a math and reading assessment.  This assessment will be proctored and scored by the Learning Support Teacher.  Results of the assessment will be communicated to the school principal within 48 hours.
  3. After completing the assessments, the student and a parent representative will participate in an interview with the school principal.  This interview will provide the student and family members to ask questions about the school program.  It will also provide the principal with the opportunity to further become acquainted with the student and the family.
  4. Within one week the family of the student will receive notification of the school’s decision.  If a student is accepted, it will be with the understanding that the first 90 days are a probationary period.  The decision of the school is final and not subject to appeal.  
  5. Financial agreement with regard to tuition must be finalized with the Finance Office. Any outstanding tuition, STACK or current and/or past due Book Fee(s) and Supply Fee(s) are due and payable prior to the start of school.

To Apply for the 2024-2025 School Year, please click here to download and complete the 2024-2025 New Student Application



Interested in Applying?
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